— Politi.us

Political Analysis of Today's Events

Tag "obama"

One week after being diagnosed with aggressive brain cancer, John McCain rides back into Washington in epic – nay, historically epic fashion to cast the deciding vote opening debate on the repeal of Obamacare. The liberals despaired. How could this happen? The green mile had begun. Many wished him gone already, truth be told. How could a rich man with cancer vote against healthcare for the poor?

Fast forward one week. After 2 of the 3 main repeal proposals were soundly defeated in a majority Republican congress, the very same Mr. McCain walks up to the Majority Leader McConnell and looks him dead in the eye as he flashes his thumbs down, effectively killing healthcare repeal, maybe for good. The irony of his return, which some called heroic, leading to his deathblow of the repeal effort will likely linger in the halls of power until Trump is just an embarrassing memory. The same Republicans who toasted him only a week prior were now cursing his name. He had finally gone full rogue!

But dying men have a way be being honest – at least that’s my theory. And they have about as much tolerance for partisanship as a pilot does for anti-aircraft fire. McCain put his foot down knowing he wouldn’t own it for much longer.

Ever since McCain defended then-candidate Obama from a racist woman asking a racist question at one of his rallies, I’ve had respect for him, even if he did inflict Sarah Palin up on. Hopefully his noble actions will inspire some of his peers.

People accuse Trump of being racist, and I don’t know if that’s true or not. But what I do know is that he manipulates people using racial issues and he does this for personal gain. So whether or not he himself is actually racist is the lesser of evils. When Trump accuses President Obama of not being born in the United States he is willfully manipulating the racist element in society who would believe such a lie. In fact, he’s speaking directly to this group.

This tactic is insidious, one might say evil, even. To the fringe element, it is a call to violence. So, Trump openly, nakedly aspires to use the fear and hatred of others for his own personal gain. If that is not evil, then I do not know what evil is.

People accuse President Obama playing the race card. We have all heard it at one time or another. That President Obama would address racial issues as a black president seems like it would be a foregone conclusion. Some may call that ‘playing the race card’ but we know better. I would defy the detractors to find an example where President Obama has used race in such a blatant way as Trump, who for nearly 5 years perpetuated a known, outrageous and race-based lie.

Trump has used race as a cornerstone of his political rise. He built his foundation on racism and exploiting the racist fears of the under educated who form a large segment of his base. His recent ‘admission’ (if you can call it that) that President Obama was born in the US rings hollow. His followers don’t believe him, and neither do the rest of us. Instead, we all the see the truth of his statement on the subject for exactly what it is, regardless of our political affiliation: It’s just another cynical attempt to win the election. The difference is that the racist elements of his base doesn’t care.

Today a prominent member of our intrepid cast, Senator Paul Ryan, came to the realization that the entire crop of 2016 presidential candidates is bat-shit crazy. Donald Trump reportedly bit the head off a Mexican immigrant during a rally in Tempe and spit it out into the eager hands of a waiting Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Ted Cruz issued a statement calling Trump a ‘stupid-pants’ for stealing his idea.

Senator Ryan’s next move was one of desperation….

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