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Political Analysis of Today's Events

January, 2025 Monthly archive

America doesn’t invade peaceful neighbors – and true American patriots don’t stand for that. But Trump wants to invade Panama and take control of the canal.

Panama is a stable, peaceful democracy with friendly people. Nobody has a problem with Panana and they certainly aren’t threatening the United States. So then why is Trump threatening Panama? There’s only one plausible answer and it’s always the same answer. Money and greed.

If Trumps military takes the canal, he’ll put his own hand picked crones in charge of running it and he’ll suddenly, personally control a huge portion of the entire global economy by controlling the flow of material through perhaps the most important transit point on this side of the planet. He’ll also be in a position to tap into the $5 billion dollars that flow through the canal each year, likely without any meaningful oversight. I mean, try being a whistleblower in the upcoming Trump administration and see what happens to you.

So there won’t be any oversight, and Trump will just be able to siphon off funds any way he wants. If any of his misdeeds somehow come to light after he leaves office, he’ll claim complete immunity, thanks to a corrupt Supreme Court, and hire a million lawyers to shut the whole thing down like we’ve seen him do many times in the past.

It’s theft from our neighbors, and it’s going to burn every bridge with every western democratic ally we have, whether they say so publicly or not. How could it not? It amounts to one of the biggest geopolitical thefts since George Bush rolled into Iraq and claimed the oilfields. And while none of that money will ever benefit any average American in any way, you still won’t find a rank and file conservative who gives a shit that this is what Trump is planning to drag us into as our next president.